Sunday 14 February 2010


My DVD cover, I wanted something that represented the whole module not just movie season, so I opted for a scenic collage and neutral colours.  

I'm almost nervous about putting these on my blog, no one has seen them. After watching everyone else's I can't help but think mine are terrible, so yes I don't like them, I'm a bit embarrassed by my incapability to learn new skills and I don't like moving image... keep that in mind! Oh and they are all type based. Someone might see it as a cop out but I always intended to work with moving type around an image rather than animating an image. It wasn't just me leaving things to the last minute and only having time to do type, I wanted to do type all along. 

My first ident, I had fun making this. Someone in the crit said that blood is more 'horror' than thriller but I think the blood has strong connections to thrillers. I think the way you don't see where the 'blood' is coming from is thriller-esque. In a horror you would see the violence but with a thriller there is always a bit more mystery. 

Then my Talented Mr. Ripley ident, I really like this. I just wish I could have found some better quality stills to use for the type. I like the colours as well, it's quite feminine. I explained that in the development slide for the ident (here: The movement of the type is a bit clunky and clumsy, I think it is with all of them. I wish I had sorted this out but it's one of those things you never get around to even though it's quite important.

This ident uses a still from 'Funny Games' and as soon as I picked the still to use I knew I wanted to pick out that dirty yellow colour. Funny games is a bit of a twisted film, and the yellow is an unusual choice so I think it works well.

This is my least favourite ident; The original idea was to have the same colour scheme but with a white backdrop and grey feathers floating down the screen. When I took it to the crit, people's feedback just confirmed what I had wondered about it being a bit dull and because of the lightness of the feathers, it was hard to work out what they were at first. I don't feel that it fits together properly.

And lastly...another 'The Birds' ident, I like this one. Looking back I can see why people are puzzled as to why the arrows are a little irregular shaped. At the time I liked how they looked slanted at a different angle, but now I'm not so sure.

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